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Nursing Write For Us

Nursing Write For Us

Nursing is a healthcare occupation that focuses on the care of people, families, and communities to achieve, maintain, or recover optimal health and quality of life. Nurses vary from other types of health care practitioners in their approach to patient care, training, and scope of practice. They also play essential roles in educating, appraising circumstances, and providing support.

Nurses dominate most healthcare workplaces, and there is evidence of a global lack of competent nurses. Many nurses provide care under the supervision of physicians, and the public’s impression of nurses as caretakers has been shaped by this conventional role. Nurses work in various specializations, each with varying amounts of prescription power.

Nurses create a plan of care in collaboration with physicians, therapists, the patient, the patient’s family, and other team members that focus on treating sickness and improving quality of life. Clinical nurse specialists and nurse practitioners diagnose health issues and prescribe appropriate drugs and other therapies in the United Kingdom and the United States, depending on state restrictions.

Nurses deliver treatment collaboratively, for example, with physicians and independently as nursing professionals. Nurses may assist in the coordination of patient care provided by other members of a multidisciplinary health care team, such as therapists, medical practitioners, and nutritionists. In addition to providing treatment and assistance, nurses educate the public and promote health and wellbeing.

Nursing historians must decide if the care given to the sick or injured in antiquity qualifies as nursing care. The Hippocratic Collection, for example, records competent care and monitoring of patients by male “attendants” in the fifth century BC, who may have been early nurses.

Around 600 BC in India, the duty of the nurse is defined in Sushruta Samhita, Book 3, Chapter V as “The many sections or components of the body, as previously noted, including the skin, cannot be accurately described by someone who is not well trained in anatomy. As a result, anyone interested in learning about anatomy should prepare a corpse and carefully inspect, dissect, and analyze its many components.”

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