5 Indications Need More Help at Home

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5 Signs You Might Need Extra Support At Home (1)

There are few things in life more frustrating than aging. It can be hard to accept that you are not as fit and active as you used to be, plus it is upsetting when you start to struggle with your day-to-day activities. While frustrating, it is important to recognize that this is a natural part of life. There is no shame in seeking out help if you are struggling around the home, and there are a few clear signs that it might be time to get some kind of help. This post will look at a few of the main signs to look out for.

1. You Find It Hard To Wash & Dress

One of the clearest signs that you could benefit from extra support in the home is if you find it hard to wash and dress yourself. This is something that many people struggle with as they get older, especially activities like showering/bathing and trimming toenails. While it might be embarrassing, it is better to get extra support than let your personal hygiene suffer.

2. You Have Safety Concerns

Another clear sign that you could do with support in the home is if you no longer feel safe. Many people find that their home can become a hazardous place as they get older, especially if they struggle with mobility. If you find it hard to get up and down the stairs, worry about falling over or have any other safety concerns, then it is best to get help instead of taking a risk. Live in home care is a good option as you can have someone in the home to provide care and look after you around the clock. This should also make you feel safer in the home and will hopefully prevent any accidents.

3. Cognitive Decline

Cognitive decline can be an issue as you get older, and this can be dangerous, especially if you live by yourself. If you or your partner are experiencing cognitive decline, such as memory loss, then it is a smart idea to get some extra support. In addition to helping around the home and helping you to maintain your schedule, they could also monitor your well-being and provide social contact (important for cognitive health).

4. You Rely On Family & Friends

Another sign that you could benefit from extra support at home is if you are reliant on your family and friends. You never want to be a burden to your loved ones, so if you have people coming in to look after you and help you with day-to-day activities, then it might be better to get professional support. This can prevent relationships from deteriorating while ensuring that you get the care that you need.

5. Isolation

Isolation can be a major problem for seniors, especially those that live alone. If you do not get much social contact during the week and feel isolated, then this is another sign that you would benefit from extra support, and it might do your mental health a world of good.

It is tough getting older and feeling your age, but getting extra support in the home can make life a lot easier, safer, and less stressful, and these are a few signs that it is a good option for you.

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